PPG Newsletter

Purton and Green Gable Surgery PPG

Newsletter no 121

December 2024

200 Club

The December draw was done by Receptionist Marie Chapman, the lucky winners were £100 Nina Herbert, £15 Marilyn Kilford.

New members are always welcome at a cost of £15 per annum, this cost remains for the year so the earlier you join the more chances you have of winning!  Setting up a Standing Order is the simplest way to join, however if you join mid-year the it is helpful if you set future payments for 1 September each year. This will then automatically renew your membership.  Forms are available at both Purton and Green Gable surgeries, alternatively you can email our Treasurer on treasurer.psppg@gmail.com for a form. 

All members of the 200 Club are allocated a number to be used in the draw, if you wish to know your number then email our Treasurer to request it. 


Table Top in Purton Surgery

Thank you to all who support the Table Top in Purton Surgery Waiting Room, we do not need any further donations at the moment. If you would like to purchase any items then please hand your money in to Reception.  There are also books for sale at 50p each, please put money in the tin or hand into Reception.