PPG Newsletter

Purton and Green Gable Surgery PPG

Newsletter no 118

September 2024



Covid Vaccinations

As last year, those eligible for Covid vaccinations will be contacted by the NHS (not the Surgery) with information regarding dates and venues for booking appointments.  These will not be done by the Surgery.

Harvest Raffle  

Tickets will be available for our Harvest Raffle from Monday 16 September, 50p each or £2 for a strip of 5. Lots of boxes of goodies for the lucky winners!  The draw will take place on Wednesday 30 October.

200 Club

The July draw was done by Practice Nurse Joanna Griffin. The £100 winner was Kayleigh Tasker, £15 winner was Angela Kemble.  All members of the 200 Club are allocated a number to be used in the draw, if you wish to know your number then email our Treasurer: treasurer.psppg@gmail.com to request it. 

It’s Renewal time!  The 200 Club year starts on 1 October! 

If you have set up a Standing Order then you need do nothing else, your membership will automatically renew. If you are not already a member then you can join now ready for the new year. The cost is just £15 a year and there are two prizes each month of £100 and £15.  Setting up a Standing Order for your £15 to be taken annually on 1 September is much simpler for you and for administration purposes. Forms are available at both Purton and Green Gable surgeries.

Table Top in Purton Surgery

Thank you to all who support the Table Top in Purton Surgery Waiting Room, those who contribute items and to those who buy.  We are pleased to receive good quality donations for the Table which should be handed in to Reception (no shoes please).  If you would like to purchase any items then please hand your money in to Reception.  There are also books for sale at 50p each, please put money in the tin or hand into Reception.

Prostate Cancer talk – Wednesday 6 November, 7.30-9pm

Our very first talk back in 2012 was on Prostate Cancer and this will be the subject of our next talk on Wednesday 6 November.  Our speaker will be Dr Jake Wilson, Senior Registrar in Urology at GWH.

The talk will be held in Purton Surgery. Space is limited and if you wish to attend you will need to pick up a ticket, these are free and available from both Purton and Green Gable Surgeries. 

If you later find that you are unable to attend then do please let the Surgery know so that your ticket can be allocated to someone else.