Purton and Green Gable Surgery PPG
Newsletter no 124
March 2025
Talk – an Update on Dementia Care, Wednesday 9 April, 7.30pm
We are fortunate to have Dr Simon Manchip, Old Age Psychiatrist at Swindon Memory Service to talk about Dementia on Wednesday 9 April in Purton Surgery. Also speaking will be Tara Slater, Manager of the Dementia Adviser Service at Alzheimer’s Support Wiltshire. The Talk will be held at 7.30pm in Purton Surgery where space is limited so tickets (free) are needed, these are available from Reception in both Purton Surgery and Green Gable Surgery from Monday 10 March. There will be a collection afterwards for Alzheimer’s Support Wiltshire.
Easter Raffle
The Receptionists are holding an Easter Raffle to raise funds for the PPG again. Tickets (50p) are on sale from Receptionists in both Purton and Green Gable Surgeries from Monday 10 March and will be drawn Friday 11 April. There are some lovely prizes.
The PPG AGM was held on 6 March.
200 Club
The March draw was done by Phlebotomist Maria Collins. The lucky winners were: £100 Katy Bell, £15 Susan Burgon. All members of the 200 Club are allocated a number to be used in the draw, if you wish to know your number then please email our Treasurer: treasurer.psppg@gmail.com to request it.
If you would like to join the 200 Club then the best way is to set up a Standing Order for £15 to be taken annually on 1 September each year. Forms for this are available at both Purton and Green Gable surgeries. There are two prizes each month of £100 and £15.
Table Top in Purton Surgery
Thank you to all who support the Table Top in Purton Surgery Waiting Room, to those who contribute items and those who buy. We do need more donations now! – so if you have anything please hand your items to the Reception staff in either Purton or Green Gable Surgery. If you would like to purchase any items then please hand your money in to Reception.
Please remember that there are also books for sale at 50p each, put money in the tin or hand into Reception.