PPG Newsletter

Purton and Green Gable Surgery PPG

Newsletter no 122

January 2025

News for Cricklade

Blood Pressure Machine for the waiting room

We are pleased to be able to tell you that the PPG recently purchased a new blood pressure machine for Green Gable Surgery waiting room, giving patients the same benefit as those attending Purton Surgery.


A Message from Kai Howard, Practice Manager

Thank you to all the patients who kindly bought GreenSteam’s CD, from reception, in the run up to Christmas.

Some of you will remember GreenSteam from the 60's/70's.  In their heyday they supported the likes of Status Quo and Slade and were well known on the on the local and Swindon gig circuits 

All proceeds from their recent gig and the £40 from the sales of their CDs at the surgery have been handed over to Prospect.



Our AGM is planned for Thursday 6 March at 6.30pm in Purton Surgery. If you, as a patient of the Practice, plan to attend please contact Reception to register your attendance by Thursday 6 February.


200 Club

The January draw was done by Receptionist Dawn Watling. The lucky £100 winner was Val Humphries, £15 winner was Alan Robertson.  All members of the 200 Club are allocated a number to be used in the draw, if you wish to know your number then please email our Treasurer: treasurer.psppg@gmail.com to request it. 


If you would like to join the 200 Club then the best way is to set up a Standing Order for £15 to be taken annually on 1 September each year.  Forms for this are available at both Purton and Green Gable surgeries. There are two prizes each month of £100 and £15.   


Table Top in Purton Surgery

Thank you to all who support the Table Top in Purton Surgery Waiting Room, those who contribute items and to those who buy.  We do not need any more donations at the moment.  If you would like to purchase any items then please hand your money in to Reception. 


Don’t forget there are also books for sale at 50p each, please put money in the tin or hand into Reception.